In English

Welcome to trial or just watch the first official agility competition in Tyrnävä!

The competition is held on 20th, 21st and 22nd of July 2018 and organized by Oulun Seudun Kennel- ja Agilityseura and Tyrnävän koiraharrastajat. We want to offer a memorable competition you want to return to every year, even if you are coming from further away.

Place: Tyrnävä's sports field (open field with natural grass) "Tyrnävän urheilukenttä"
Judges: Timo Vertanen (SE), Ritva Herrala (FI)
Classes: XS (extra small), S (small), M (medium), SL (small max), L (max)
(Your class will be determined by the class marked into your record book)

Entry: Link to SAGI
Last entry 5.7.2018

Friday 20th of July
Start time 15:00
A1 agility (XS, S, M, SL, L) Field 1 Timo Vertanen
B1 agility (XS, S, M, SL, L) Field 2 Ritva Herrala
A2 agility (XS, S, M, SL, L) Field 1 Timo Vertanen
B2 agility (XS, S, M, SL, L) Field 2 Ritva Herrala
A3 agility (XS, S, M, SL, L) Field 1 Timo Vertanen
H3 agility (S, M, L) Field 2 Ritva Herrala

Saturday 21st of July
C1 jump (XS, S, M, SL, L) Field 1 Ritva Herrala
D1 agility (XS, S, M, SL, L) Field 2 Timo Vertanen
C3 jump (XS, S, M, SL, L) Field 1 Ritva Herrala
D3 agility (XS, S, M, SL, L) Field 2 Timo Vertanen
C2 jump (XS, S, M, SL, L) Field 1 Ritva Herrala
D2 agility (XS, S, M, SL, L) Field 2 Timo Vertanen  

Sunday 22nd of July
The Grand Final is organized as an unofficial trial on Sunday. To gain an entry to the final you need to trial successfully either on Saturday and/or Sunday. From each track (in each size and level groups) 10% of the dogs with a result gains the right to compete in the final track. So every dog has four chances to get to the finals. If the dog has already gained an entry to the final, the entry will be offered to the next dog. The final has only three size classes (S,M,L) so SX dogs will compete with their own bar levels, in small class and SL dogs in max class.

Only the result in the Grand Final will determine who wins the championship of Potturalli 2018!

1st place 500€
2nd place 300€
3rd place 200€

Tyrnävä's sport field is located right in the center of Tyrnävä. Even though it is in the middle of everything it is still ideal place for an agility competition. Right next to the sport field there is an annual potato party called Uuden perunan juhla, but it will not disturb the agility area and every competitor is able to concentrate on their runs. Both events are without an entry fee so you are free to visit the potato party while waiting.

There are a lot of indoor places, plenty of parking spots and good places to walk the dogs. You can set up your own tent on the sport field but it is with your own risk to leave the tents unattended overnight. You can set up your tent earliest on Thursday (schedule will be published later). The size of the trial fields are 25x40m.

If you want to set up your own stand to sell your products please contact

Uuden Perunan Juhla (new potato party) is held at the same time with the agility trials. This is a new type of event held by Tyrnävä's potato entrepreneurs. July is the time of the new potato and the potatoes in Tyrnävä are the best in Finland. So come and taste yourself!

© Oulun Seudun Kennel- ja Agilityseura KAS ry
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